Ba(rdas?), magistros and domestikos of the scholai, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 6.62 g, 6 h). [+KЄ ROHΘЄ]I TⲰ CⲰ ΔOVΛⲰ - IC / NI-KA / XC ('Lord, help your servant - May Jesus Christ conquer') The first part in a circular legend, the latter part within a floral design, with small crosses in the fields.
Rev. +RA[P/ΔA? M]AΓHC/[TP,] S ΔOMЄ/CT, TON C/XOΛO' in five lines. Unpublished in the standard references. Some breakage and flatness of strike
, otherwise, good very fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.
The Scholai were the most senior of the elite regiments (tagmata) of the Byzantine army, composed of professional soldiers. Their commander held the title of domestikos. During the 10th century, the domestikos of the Scholai (or Schools) rose in prominence, and in the emperor’s absence, he commanded the entire army.
Several domestikoi of the Scholai are known, some of whom played significant roles in Byzantine military history. If the reading of the personal name is correct, this seal could tentatively be attributed to Bardas Phokas the Younger, whom Emperor Basil II appointed domestikos of the Scholai of the East to counter the rebellion of Bardas Skleros. Although he succeeded, he later attempted to usurp the throne himself, only to be defeated and killed in battle against Basil in 989.